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How to Withstand the Storms

We are all transplants in this Kingdom, all ball of roots, shook out and replanted insecure, longing for our heart’s true home.     We are adopted children of the most High who wander through the world with amnesia forgetting…

Lectio Divina as a Doorway to Rest

  It’s just a couple of lines, not even a whole verse. These words from Isaiah 30:15, “In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and trust will be your strength,” keeps being brought to the table, the Spirit’s…

Day 2: Listen

Day 2: Listen “Moving? How do I feel about moving? I just hate feeling months of loneliness,” Mom closed her eyes, tears starting to appear. Deb looked up sharply and tapped the eraser of her pencil on the legal pad…

Welcome Home, A Sabbath Blessing

We have been racing and filling and schlepping heavy loads and now… it is a deep breath kind of day, a put up your feet kind of Sabbath, a stop and watch the water flow kind of day.   Praying…

Naming the restlessness: Audrey Assad

You have made us for Yourself, Oh God, and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in You.    St. Augustine I’ve been listening to a lot of Audrey Assad lately. I’m captivated by her articulation of our…

Advent, Day 19: Welcoming Him into Our Ordinary

On that first warmish day of spring, we throw all our weight against creaking sashes until the smell of moist earth fills every corner of the house.  All day long moving from room to room we inhale the mixture of…

Advent, Day 12: When We Search for Peace

Can we talk about how effortlessly rich Kathleen Battle’s voice is? Hands down my favorite soprano of all time.   “The peace of the Lord be with you.” We greet, shake hands, smile into the eyes of strangers and mumble…

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