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Day 4: Feast

Fellow 31 day journeyers, as we take the huge risk to loving our zip code with integrity, we first are invited to come feast on Love ourselves.  In fact, it’s absolutely vital. ……………………………………………………………… “You spread a table before me in the presence of my…

Naming the restlessness: Audrey Assad

You have made us for Yourself, Oh God, and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in You.    St. Augustine I’ve been listening to a lot of Audrey Assad lately. I’m captivated by her articulation of our…

Sleeping with Bread, Part 4; Wrestling with God

This was a wrestle this summer…one that I can’t mold into a tidy little shape of words, the sweat and tears of it are just too fresh.  Have mercy with the lack of polish…I considered not publishing it, but, honestly, it…

Day 12: The Gift of Sabbath

On Sundays during Lent, we’ll slow to a stop.  No more working, no more spinning, just rest.  Deep breaths leaning in.  Because He stopped and knows that we need to too. So come to the well to be refilled, and…

An Evening Prayer

I AM is home.  And I am complete.  The day falls away like a paper lab suit I peel off. This is my English cottage in the woods, our cottage, really…what I imagine my heaven will look like.  The sun…

Love Saturated Evangelism

  Mark 1:29-42 Andrew and another disciple zigzagged with Jesus through the crowd to his home, perhaps a room at an inn, maybe a space on a rented rooftop able to feel the vibrations of a busy family below.  Their…

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