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Day 4: Feast

Fellow 31 day journeyers, as we take the huge risk to loving our zip code with integrity, we first are invited to come feast on Love ourselves.  In fact, it’s absolutely vital. ……………………………………………………………… “You spread a table before me in the presence of my…

When your Soul Craves a Home, a vlog

Do you crave more? Do you crave home and knowing you have a place card at God’s table with your name embroidered on it? Me too.     Yesterday I had the privilege of preaching in the strip district at Church of…

Psalm 23: Learning to Slow and Rest

Andrew’s retreating with a fly rod in hand and I’m cocooned in the love of family and this week we are resting. a lot.  This is a republished post from last year after Easter which I reread often…maybe it will…

When our Schedule Presses in Close

This story by Linda Andersen is a part of the Sabbath focus we have on Fridays here at a Thirst for God. “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall lack nothing.  He makes me lie down in green pastures.  He…

The Shepherd is Here

The Shepherd is Here I shall not lack…   And this seems to be key:  You are always enough in the present. I am the one who runs ahead into lack, who runs ahead into fear and smacks my head…

The Lord is my Shepherd Thanksgiving

THE LORD is my Shepherd [to feed, guide, and shield me], I shall not lack. Psalm 23:1 You have the crook, yes, but You have the heart, open and generous, protecting, shielding.  I shall not lack…here, now in this Moment. …

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