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The Thanksgiving Tree

I’m surprised at how they jump in, at how they eagerly pick up scissors and sticks and build a memory together. Six cousins in one house waiting for Mama/Aunt Heather to come home with the new baby. They pick up…

Stay Present

Today I’m joining Lisa-Jo Baker and her writing throwdown, Five Minute Friday Stay present. Tomorrow morning I will wrestle the laundry into the washer, loads of sheets all covered with their sickness and tomorrow I will need to stay parked…to…

The Feast Leading to Love: Day 8

I’m practicing 31 days of writing about Feasting on the Present Moment.  You can find all of them on the Browse All Articles on the left.  Join me for the Journey? Planet Earth, a 4D experience, the poster had read.…

A Simple Practice: Feasting on the Present Day 5

So, friends, let’s make this feasting on the present moment crazy simple.   This is how I usually start:   Open one sense at a time for about a minute.  Allow your usual pattern of thoughts to fall away and instead use…

Becoming Grounded: Feasting on the Present Day 3

When anxiety surges, all awareness is drawn like a magnet to that fear.  Surroundings blur, breathing shallows and the whirring begins.  I could walk through hours, days like that and barely feel the touch of that sweet toddler hand.  …

The Struggle: Feasting on the Present Day 2

The skipping, whirring, pacing thoughts began their morbid merry-go-round when I was ten.   I called it nervousness.  The asthma medication inhaled would bring it on, the late dinner would leave me shaky, ordinary stress would demand I put on…

A Call to Feast on the Present Moment: Day 1

  They are finally, after 8 years of the beautiful chaos of young children, all happily ensconced at school!  My three year old sat down at a puzzle in his new preschool room this morning, gave me a kiss and…

Grasping the Present Firmly

I’m joining the hundreds writing over at Lisa Jo’s for Five Minute Friday’s.  The word today, GRASP:   I have come to realize I hardly feel the floor under my feet as I walk.  I am a ghost on the…

Summer Feast

(Be aware, Grandma, the pictures don’t come until the end of the post!)   I’ve been hungering for delight.   My living has become dry boned parched. I escape into the still-dark morning, spread out on the linoleum office table,…

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