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Day 4: Feast

Fellow 31 day journeyers, as we take the huge risk to loving our zip code with integrity, we first are invited to come feast on Love ourselves.  In fact, it’s absolutely vital. ……………………………………………………………… “You spread a table before me in the presence of my…

Day 3: Prepare the Soil

Roy in his seventies with his white converse sneakers and penchant for memorizing poetry, built me my first garden. He was a farmer with a gift for evangelism, building gardens throughout his neighborhood, handing out Jesus as they raked up…

Day 2: Listen

Day 2: Listen “Moving? How do I feel about moving? I just hate feeling months of loneliness,” Mom closed her eyes, tears starting to appear. Deb looked up sharply and tapped the eraser of her pencil on the legal pad…

Day 1: How to Fall in Love with a Zipcode

Just this last month, the Gross’ family adopted a new zipcode, driving through the mountains of five states and landing in northern GA. You too friend? Have you moved and are still reeling a bit? Or do you live with a chronic…

Sabbath: An Invitation to Cease Striving

Hello you…heavy-laden one. You know that tug-of-war you’ve been straining with? All of your spirit pulling, begging, striving in the dust of a well-worn path? Today is an invitation to open your fingers’ maniacal grip. Feel the heavy frayed and frazzled rope…

Our 2014 Move: The Great Silence is Over

I can’t write while I’m moving. I can surf Zillow for our future, sketch plans of backyard gardens, move furniture in my mind. I jot down new recipes and pin color schemes. Before I can make sense of the rest of…

Welcome Home, A Sabbath Blessing

We have been racing and filling and schlepping heavy loads and now… it is a deep breath kind of day, a put up your feet kind of Sabbath, a stop and watch the water flow kind of day.   Praying…

Father’s Day Feasting with Daddy

Without you, I would have been content to walk sidewalks, unaware that there are worlds just beyond the concrete to be discovered. Yesterday, we celebrated your Father’s Day and you showed us wonders. We hiked around Slippery Rock River, up waterfalls, and splashed…

The Prayer that Saves Me

It’s the prayer that hits all the Goliaths of my sin square between the eyes. I read it and fall to my knees.   To tell you the truth, I don’t really pray this prayer at all. I hold it in awe…

Making Space for Listening

  Lately I’ve been settling into routine and intentionally making space for my introversion. In seminary I took the Myers-Briggs and was told that I was confused. How could I sit so stalwartly in the middle of the E and…

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