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Day 12: Get Real

When you packed up that UHaul you carried more than just your tan couch up the ramp, you brought along other baggage too: grief, anxiety, anger, and possibly fear. Moving changes everything. Psychologists say it can disturb the deepest foundations underneath your identity.…

Day 10: Embrace Solitude

Wide open, unfilled spaces can be utterly freeing. Anne Morrow Lindbergh in A Gift by the Sea rolled up the rugs in her “shell of a beach house” to encourage visual simplicity, a way of embracing the quiet. With this move, your schedule has…

Where to Go with Our Grief

Nana squirted the colors out on white paper plates, four small mounds. Fingers dip in, tentative at first. “This is your sad page. Madeline,” mom explains, “draw your feeling.  It doesn’t have to be a picture, just paint how you feel onto the…

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