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When our Love Gets Suffocated

I hear a call in the quiet of the early morning:  “Deepen,” He whispers. God is using the specific vocabulary of a Madeleine L’Engle lover.   I was shaken Saturday.  Triggered, that is.  They were dressed straight off the cover of a JCrew catalog and I shrunk…

Surrender: Feasting on the Present Day 6

Hurry is an unpleasant thing in itself, but also very unpleasant for whoever is around it.  Some people came into my room and rushed in and rushed out and even when they were there they were not there — they…

A Simple Practice: Feasting on the Present Day 5

So, friends, let’s make this feasting on the present moment crazy simple.   This is how I usually start:   Open one sense at a time for about a minute.  Allow your usual pattern of thoughts to fall away and instead use…

The Struggle: Feasting on the Present Day 2

The skipping, whirring, pacing thoughts began their morbid merry-go-round when I was ten.   I called it nervousness.  The asthma medication inhaled would bring it on, the late dinner would leave me shaky, ordinary stress would demand I put on…

Stephanie’s Bachelorette Party

The Dance She is my sister and she is luminous. I have eyes-wide-open watched as the grave opened. I was witness as the rock was slowly pried open and the white putrid cloth, suffocating life, was unwrapped one slow turn…

When you need more of God

“Some Christians believe that being filled with the Holy Spirit is a work the Lord brings to people from above, as if they were an empty pitcher and He pours the Holy Spirit into them, much as one would pour…

Where I Learned How to do Friendship

I haven’t always been good at friendships.  I decided early on books were easier to get along with. And if you don’t live with grace for yourself, it is impossible to offer it to someone else. And she is still…

Expect Resurrection

HERE. He is here.   The God of the Universe: All-Wise, All-powerfull, saturated through and through with goodness and love, star-namer, man molder, light flinger, … Healer, Redeemer, Life Breather, Dead Raiser, Wave Calmer,   is HERE.   The question…

Fierce for our Freedom

An Eastern Starling flew down our chimney sometime in the night and started fluttering around our firebox, enclosed by the brick in the back and a glass front .  She kept fluttering around, getting herself stuck around bricks and trying to…

Stephanie and Matt’s Engagement Story

Squeals burst in the front door: my sister, golden hair bouncing, her left hand held out for all to admire the sparkle.   She was wearing love. Matt, her new fiancé, tumbled in just behind, radiant. The family had gathered to…

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