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What Inspired Me this Week

1. I was daydreaming after the kids were in bed perusing this site full of French farmhouse design eye candy.  This interview of Yvonne McGrane, a business woman, mom and designer, held an interesting insight I’ve been rolling around in my mind:…

Wonder – Feasting on the Present

A 5 minute writing dare…just words on a timer. no editing.  Yup, it’s what we writer nerds do for fun! ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… GO – word: Wonder My three year old blondie began hoisting his chubby little legs over the side of…

Stay Present

Today I’m joining Lisa-Jo Baker and her writing throwdown, Five Minute Friday Stay present. Tomorrow morning I will wrestle the laundry into the washer, loads of sheets all covered with their sickness and tomorrow I will need to stay parked…to…

The Practice of the Presence of People: Day 11

These last three days, I have been listening to their stories down the four steps from the sidewalk into our Prayer Clinic.   Beautiful stories of the treachery of growing up on planet earth.   It has been a privilege…

Seeing the Invisible God: Day 10

Andrew Peterson writes his songs as great examples of that wisdom from Dr. Brown, my creative writing professor at college: Show, Summer, don’t tell.  He writes like a poet, a poet from deep inside the midst of us ordinary people. And…

The Gift of Each Season: Day 9

  Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit.” Henry David Thoreau The feast has been laid.  The table set.  The candles lit and He is here.   The trees flame, the boughs…

The Feast Leading to Love: Day 8

I’m practicing 31 days of writing about Feasting on the Present Moment.  You can find all of them on the Browse All Articles on the left.  Join me for the Journey? Planet Earth, a 4D experience, the poster had read.…

Surrender: Feasting on the Present Day 6

Hurry is an unpleasant thing in itself, but also very unpleasant for whoever is around it.  Some people came into my room and rushed in and rushed out and even when they were there they were not there — they…

A Simple Practice: Feasting on the Present Day 5

So, friends, let’s make this feasting on the present moment crazy simple.   This is how I usually start:   Open one sense at a time for about a minute.  Allow your usual pattern of thoughts to fall away and instead use…

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