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Behold the Lamb of God

It’s when I show up at the Confession on Sunday morning empty handed that I know I’m in trouble. I’ve forgotten the quick cutting down, the self-pity binge, the explosions at bedtime.  I’ve forgotten the pride because pride makes the…

Day 16: Confession

We in the church have got something to confess.  And it’s pretty ugly.   But ugly things have to come into the light in order to be transformed.   Evangelism has been used by some to be an answer to…

Day 4: Pruning so Good News Blooms

Pruning, though painful, causes growth. We’ve got obstacles that need to be removed and this is where the life-long work of pruning comes in, removing the sin, scooping out the suffocating fear, redirecting the anger, having our minds renovated by…

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