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Praying for Healing with Scripture and SLOW Word

Remember, everyday Monday and Thursday is a SLOW Word right here. It’s such a privilege to pray the Word together! Subscribe on the right for gentle reminders straight to your inbox. And, if you know of anyone who would benefit, share this SLOW Word by Facebook or email and set the table for someone else. Love you all!


On this SLOW Word/Lectio Divina I share a piece of my story, the crippling fear of rejection and the scriptures I prayed.  Again, I’d love to pray for you by name if you need healing. Put your name in the comment section and a bit about your desire. If you are interested in more about my story or how you can receive more healing from the fear of rejection find them here:


Where My Story is Challenged by Truth

Serious Approval Addiction Excavation

The Gift of Vulnerability – The leper and my story entertwine


Gross Family-low res

Anglican priest, spiritual director, homeschool mom of three and still in love with my high school sweetheart. I love listening to your hard and holy stories and setting the table for you to spend time in the Presence of God. My mission? Giving you tools to go from anxious to resting in God.

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Thanks for doing this Summer. I look forward to each slow word with you. It is so good to hear your voice

  2. Hi Summer,
    I listened to your slow word this morning, having no idea what a timely word it was. So I’m back here this afternoon, listening again. For me, the word spoke to my crippling fear of failure. Today, I’m facing the very critical words of a family member in regard to my mothering abilities. I was feeling absolutely crippled by the person’s comments and what they meant about me, until the Lord reminded me of this word from this morning. So thank you for walking in obedience and sharing his word with us.

    1. So precious Jamie! Wow! Praying that this truth becomes a guard at the gate of your mind. I feel so honored to walk this path with you.

  3. Wonderful encouraging words that I will listen to over and over, letting them seep into my soul. Thank you for your prayers!

    1. Absolutely beautiful Mimi! I’m including you in this prayer that the captives be set free.

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