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Helping you find home base in the heart of God.

Summer, an Anglican priest rooted in the Christian classics and part of the teaching staff of Healing Care Ministry’s spiritual direction program, walks with hundreds of people into a secure attachment with the Father through podcasts, videos, retreats, and groups of various sizes on her Presence Project Patreon account.

With her warm and compassionate style, Summer sets a table for those who have heard sermons on Sunday about abiding in Christ but who are hungry for its reality.  Monday-morning-practical, her podcast and now her book takes you on a journey to awaken to the Father’s nearness through story, ancient contemplative practices like lectio divina, and simple, sensory tools.

Summer invites you to come awake to He who desires to draw you close, cup your face in His hands, and convince you your adoption is not just a sheet of paper, not just a seal for heaven, but a commitment of His constant care and connection.

Contact to see if Summer can come speak or lead a retreat at your event.

“Realizing that new neuropathways of attachment can be created as I linger in the Lord’s loving Presence has motivated me to cultivate time with Him. In this He is strengthening my attunement and awareness of HIs presence such that I am now experiencing the truth of Immanuel…ALWAYS WITH ME!” 

~ Presence Project Member

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