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Morning Prayer


You’ve decided to greet the dawn.  It’s very early, and no one is around.
Just you and God.  And He is such very good company…

You rose early on purpose, knowing that by starting slowly and quietly you could move with golden grace into this day, leaving trails of peace in your wake.  You also sensed that to greet the day was to meet the One who created time itself.

There!  His masterful brushstroke draws liquid layers of gold and red across the hushed horizon in sweeping, broad bands.  They are brash, giddy–color upon color emblazoned wide across the dimpling sky.

There, in the pale dusting of clouds, you see the breath of God, the Life-Giver–the One who gave you life and who sustains it.  It is an enchanting moment to catch with your eyes and store away in your heart.

Looking around, you see more and more of him–there in the black-tree spectres laid dark against the crimson-sky canvas.  They are his plantings, these trees: Gargantuan and gawky, they reach skinny arms toward his nourishing light and his quenching rains–as do you.

Only moments have passed, and yet the canvas continues to be splashed with color after exuberant color: divine preparation for the coming day.


In these timeless moments, you are enveloped in a watchful, peaceful
expectancy.  You don’t pray, because you don’t need to.  Words would get in the way of this silent communion with the creator of all.  Side by side and heart to heart with the God of the universe you sense that to speak would profane the holy hush attending these moments.  To move would be a desecration.


And now!  The faithful emblem rises, moving with slow and graceful resolve over purplish hills.  As a babe to its mother, the yearning earth seems to turn gratefully toward the warmth and light of this new dawning.


Even the horizon stands at respectful attentioin as the great, blazing medallion rises from its sleep. A changing of the guard: from moon to sun.

And your heart cries, “My God, my God, you have not forsaken me!”


Because some days are merely neutral and easy to forget, you receive today as a gift of light.  And such a light!!  Bright, hot fire of a new day opens wide.  Today has arrived.

There is a comforting goodness in rising early.  The sun is a “billboard moment”, a letter in the sky,  announcing God will never hang a “closed” sign on His door.

You came.  And God saw that it was good.

Eucharisteo counting:

new deck, built by husband

fresh cool air after blistering Florida

gigantic tree in pink!

lush bushes of yellow — aching with life

circle of delicious friendships

note of love from daughter

camera to capture spring

God speaking–from open Bible

sun skipping through house

music trailing joy through soul

flip flops on wintered feet

Linda Andersen

pictures found at Thank you for the beauty you have cultivated!

Anglican priest, spiritual director, homeschool mom of three and still in love with my high school sweetheart. I love listening to your hard and holy stories and setting the table for you to spend time in the Presence of God. My mission? Giving you tools to go from anxious to resting in God.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Thank you Linda,

    For the delight of revealing the Awesomeness of our Creator!!

    Love JOY

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