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Luke 17: 12-19 Lectio Divina


More on the Three Kernels of Corn


Happy Thanksgiving dear ones!

I hope today you are nested in the midst of your family, surrounded by your people and all that abundance. I hope you soak there, sit back and look at everyone’s face in the light of the candles. I hope you sit still in the moment and let the thanks rise.

What a joy it has been to journey with you!

Confession: This SLOW Word video was number 5…yup 5.  My phone doesn’t upload more than 15 minutes worth and oh, friends, aren’t you glad?  This SLOW Word would cease to be a gift if it was any more. But, I had the hardest time getting this particular lectio divina under 15 minutes and trying again is easier than cutting and pasting in a video program. This is why #5 is significant; it wasn’t until number 5 that this scripture started making its way deep.

Sometimes we need repetition in order to receive.

I want to be child-like in joy. I never want to just receive the abundance and keep walking down the road, into the next busy moment.  I need to be healed of my spiritual entitlement, and instead, return with a response that comes from overflow.

I want to be one who rises to sing: “I have seen the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living” every. single. time.

You too?

Love you all. Happy Thanksgiving!

Summer Joy



Anglican priest, spiritual director, homeschool mom of three and still in love with my high school sweetheart. I love listening to your hard and holy stories and setting the table for you to spend time in the Presence of God. My mission? Giving you tools to go from anxious to resting in God.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Happy Thanksgiving, Summer. Praying that you have a blessed time with your family.
    God’s Word is always so timely, and today’s slow word was just what I needed. I opened in prayer with a great need for His grace and mercy, and you opened the Word with His answer to me. I keep expecting perfection from myself… yet all He wants is for me to keep coming back. To keep trusting, to continue yielding, to keep believing and seeking His heart of mercy.

  2. Happy Thanksgiving Summer–to you and yours. I really appreciate your corner on the Net and the good and slow work you are doing here. It’s a blessed place to which to retreat.

    All my love and best,

    1. You can come rest here anytime, my dear. I’ll make the tea, light the fire, and pull up a chair.

  3. Watching your videos is a chance for me to take a few treasured moments for myself and refocus on what is most important. Thank you!

    1. I’m so blessed by this Amy! I’m so thankful to know that you are finding this a safe space to receive from the Lord.

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