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4 Thanksgiving Links from the Tasty to the Meaningful

A few links to make your Thanksgiving better:


I don’t like turkey. In fact, I’d choose beef, ham, chicken every day of the week. Maybe that has to do with the fact that the famous white Albricht birds were strutting their stuff all summer long at their farm on Route 61 a mile from our home as I grew up, but after Thanksgiving, silence. No birds. But after wanting to up my Thanksgiving game, I tried this bird, and well, I wanted seconds. Check out the recipe on Bon Appetit here.


More Organized:

Thursday we’ll be in Maryland in St. Michael’s in one house with ten adults and six children. If it’s nice enough, the kids will ride bikes on the driveway. More than likely they’ll want to be inside listening to the adults, playing on the floor in front of the kitchen island. Mom will be making her sausage and mushroom stuffing. I’ll be making mashed potatoes. No one else has enough courage to put in the necessary bars of butter. If I were in charge, I’d want a Thanksgiving mentor. Misty Krasawski from has us covered. Find Misty Krasawski’s amazing Thanksgiving Timeline post here.


More Meaningful:

Throwing Thanksgiving dinner can make even the most organized hyperventilate. We can miss the THANKSGIVING in the midst of the stained and scattered recipe cards, the timeline, and the orders barked at the kids setting the table. Mom introduced this family tradition of the three kernels of corn thirty five years ago and although it’s the very definition of simplicity, what it builds into our family Thanksgiving traditions is profound. I wrote about it over at today.


“I found them in her dining room tucked into a lowboy drawer: a sandwich sized Ziploc bag of corn kernels.  I looked around at the china hutch still full, her table shrunk small.  She had passed away just a week before. She was red-haired spunky but always full of welcome. We had driven to Akron for her funeral. I choked out the eulogy and together Andrew and I had handed out the bread and the wine.”  Click here to read more.


Recovery and Rest

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(Opening picture from Death to Stock photos)

Want to share your favorite Thanksgiving tips? I’d love to hear your family recipes and meaningful traditions right here in the comments!

Anglican priest, spiritual director, homeschool mom of three and still in love with my high school sweetheart. I love listening to your hard and holy stories and setting the table for you to spend time in the Presence of God. My mission? Giving you tools to go from anxious to resting in God.

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